There is nobody
There is no noise
Just the dark forest with its black trees and leaves
The fog advances through the forest and swallows one tree after another
Until the dark deep forest is under a big weird cloud
But suddenly there is a shadow under the light of the moon
The shadow gives you fear
You want to run away
But you can’t
Your feet are not there although you can see them
The black shadow comes closer and closer
Your cold sweat runs down the back
Your heart stops beating for a few instants
You want to see the face of the shadow
But you can’t
The shadow already is in front of you
And you can feel his cold breath on your skin
But now its too late to run away
You can’t open your eyes because you're under a such big fixture
But you want to open your eyes
Finally you wake up from your realistic nightmare
You get up hastily and look around
But there is nobody
Your are eased and happy that you are alone
You go to the bathroom because you want to wash the sweat out of your face
But when you cross the doorstep the shadow is closely forward you
The fear is there again and catches you and you want to shout
But the shadow already has closed your mouth
And you go along with him and you know that you never will come back again
And there is the dark deep forest with its black trees
Suddenly there grows another tree which is big and green
But now the fog comes and the tree will be black like the other trees from the
Dark deep forest