A cold breeze blows through the trees
And the shaking dry leaves fall down
Everything on the ground is dancing
The clouds move faster and show us the way
The fall can make us feel:
Assuaged, fresh, easy, lucky
‘Cause the end of the year comes closer
And soon a new year will begin
Everything fades slowly but it will grow again
And will be bigger and brighter in the new year
The Clouds come and the rain washes all the bad things away
And bright Lightnings and loud thunders show us
How everything can change in a few minutes
But this big horrendous storm isn’t bad
It is just a change like a change can happen in our life
It exists no evil, it exists only the idea of bad things,
Which makes everything bad
But the big unholy storm will stop
Maybe the storm can continue a few minutes
But nothing lasts forever
Because the life… our life keeps moving
And so the fall will end,
But in the new year it will return
With its yellow-red trees and cold breezes,
Which make the dry leaves fall down
And the big excruciating storms will come and go
Like our Life